Helping Children Deal With Trauma

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Helping Children Deal With Trauma

Helping Children Deal With Trauma

How Does Trauma Affect Kids?
Trauma affects a child’s sense of safety and trust. After a trauma, kids can still feel tense or scared. Some feel alone, sad, angry, or guilty. They may think they are to blame for what happened to them. For some kids, there’s a loss of self-esteem or dignity. For some, there’s deep grief.

Trauma also can affect a child’s mood, behavior, or sleep. Some kids become depressed. They might act grumpy or seem sad. Some get in trouble more often, or do worse in school. Some have new fears, or trouble sleeping. Some have upsetting memories, called flashbacks. Often, kids avoid things that remind them of what they’ve been through.

After a trauma, some kids share how they feel. But other kids keep things to themselves. They may try to hide how they feel, or try to push it out of their minds. They may think others expect them to “get over it.” Some just don’t have words for their feelings. For any of these reasons, a parent might not know what their child is going through.

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